Monica Denler No Comments

The state of Colorado has updated their labor law posting with relation to compensation. The new COMPS order #37 should be displayed on top of the prior COMPS order #36 wherever your other labor law postings live:

The state of Colorado also requires a posting for 1/1/2021 of the mandatory “Colorado Workplace Public Health Rights Poster: Effective January 1, 2021 PAID LEAVE, WHISTLEBLOWING, & PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT”. This should also be included with your other labor law postings:

NOTE – we will post these to the ESS in the form of a document that satisfies the distribution/posting requirement to your employees. We will also include it on the electronic onboarding portal so that all of your new hires going forward acknowledge receipt of the documents. You may additionally email blast this to your employees if you so choose.

If you have any questions regarding these postings please let us know. Thank you for partnering with us to ensure your HR compliance.